Yes that title is correct! Stop everything you guys Bleach is coming back!
I am very very excited to get the news that the Bleach anime series is coming back in 2021. Fans were left wishing for a final arc ending for the anime like in the manga. So much so that a petition (one that I may have signed ( was created to bring the anime back. Now I understand everyone is not excited about this news.
It may seem like Bleach had its shot and now it’s the age of My Hero, Black Clover and Boruto. However, I think this is a great opportunity for the show.

It’s not the first show to make a comeback
Have we all forgotten that another anime show that ended recently came back with a whole new story?? Yes I’m talking about Dragon Ball Super. Was everyone excited about this new series? Of course! But did we really need it? It remains to be seen. But it came back anyway and gave lots of people nostalgia and introduced Goku and the gang to a new younger audience. I say all this to prove that Bleach can do the same thing. Not only will this bring in a new audience, the show is guaranteed to get a large viewing. No offense to Dragon Ball Super, but I don’t think there was a petition to bring it back. Fans have been waiting for YEARS, so you can believe people will be ready to watch it.
It has the most Relatable Characters
Bleach would not be considered one of the Big 3 if it wasn’t for their characters. Ichigo is such a great protagonist. Yes he fits a lot of the typical shonen main character tropes like being impulsive and never backing down from a fight. I loved seeing Ichigo as the main character because he was also so very different than other protagonists. For example, he was smart. Ichigo was ranked 23rd in his grade and he was diligent about his school and homework. In all honesty, Ichigo behaves more like a deuteragonist. His demeanor and actions are all similar to the second main character of shonen series than the main protagonist. Think about the other main characters or at least the “cool” character and Ichigo fits right in.

It has some great music.
If you make an anime list that had the best shonen fighting music, Bleach is most definitely in the top 5. There’s something about the way the show had such signature songs that you can’t replicate it. Bleach’s music makes you feel and anticipate the upcoming battle. I remember the first time I heard the music, I was sold. I am hoping with the continuation of the anime, we (the fans) will get to have all the best songs we know and love.
Bleach coming back is like a big brother coming back to check on the younger siblings. Bleach is showing you that there’s still hope. It may take longer than you like but when it finally happens, it happens and you can’t help but be excited.

That’s all I got for #animemonday and I hope you’re as excited as I am about this Bleach news. Let me know how you feel about the news in the comment section! Peace!
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