Hello fellow Nerds! If you have been living under a rock, you may not know that this Netflix series called Squid Game is literally taking over the internet. And I thought “Well I might as well add my 2 cents” and here we are! I’d like to talk to you about how this Squid Game takeover could be beneficial to the anime industry.
So if you’ve been following for a while, it’s no secret that I am a fan of anime. I’m apart of many anime fandoms and have been watching it (albeit unknowingly) since I was a kid. So I would have to say that I am somewhat of an expert when it comes to anime and its specific type of storytelling. The pacing of Squid Game is very very similar to anime just with longer episodes. Many of us in the anime community already knew this fact, but what is even more fascinating is how popular the show became.

It is now Netflix’s most watched showing coming at 111 million views only a month after its premiere. That’s nothing short of amazing. And everyone who worked/acted/produced/wrote/directed deserves every dollar they get. It was an amazing show. I am curious though if this is the gateway people need to fall in love with more anime shows. For some watchers of Squid Game they came for the gore, others came for the acting. Still others came just because it was popular and they didn’t want to be left out of the conversations. You know, FOMO.
Now there is some debate over the dubbed version, which is the version you watched if you can’t keep up with the subtitles. I am hoping Squid Game also brings in the much needed attention to the transcription/dubbed industry so money can be spent adequately on proper translations. But if you were able to get through all of that and enjoy Squid Game, then anime can be for you! I know what you’re thinking. It’s not the same, it’s animation, it looks like a cartoon. But the language and culture didn’t stop you from enjoying Squid Game, so it shouldn’t in anime either.

Earlier I mentioned anime having a similar storytelling pacing and vibe. And this is true. You have your introduction of the main character, the side characters and ending with a cliff hanger of the impending conflict. Squid Game is a bit faster because of the length and number in episodes, but it doesn’t negate the similarities between it and anime. If there is one hill I would stand proudly on, it would be that there is an anime for everyone. Literally EVERYONE. There’s so much anime out there you guys. Even more manga/comics if you’d rather read it. What I want you to get from this is that, if you could take a chance on something like Squid Game, take a chance on anime.

The storytelling is compelling, with characters people either simp or die for. All I’m saying is take a chance on anime! It can change your life for the better! If you are already watching anime what are some shows you’d recommend for those who like Squid Game?
Let me know what you think in the comments and Keep Nerding Out!
featured image from imdb.com