Anime has a knack for being able to show great storytelling. With great storytelling there are captivating characters. So the next natural thing we would want to do is ship them all!
So shipping seems to be a favorite pastime for avid anime consumer. For the newbie to the anime world, shipping is pairing two characters together you would want to be in a relationship. Sometimes this can spawn other fanfiction stories especially with some of the not as popular ships. This is prevalent in anime because fans rally behind their favorite character. An example of this would be the Kagome/Inuyasha ship. Fans eagerly awaited each episode to see how their relationship progresses.
But not all ships have to include the main character. My Hero Academia has very popular side character ships like Tsuyu Asui and Fumikage Tokoyami or Kyota Jiro and Denki Kaminari. While it’s fun creating and thinking of who should be with who, some ships make it to the main storyline. Here are some popular ships throughout anime:
Kagome and Inuyasha

Aang and Katara

Ichigo and Orihime

Sakura and Sasuke

And then there are those ships we all wished happened in the main story, but were left with our only hope in fanfiction. Here are some ships that didn’t make it to their respective storylines:
Zuko and Katara

Ichigo and Rukia
Naruto and Sakura

Everyone has their picks on what is the best ship for their fandom. Let me know if the comments what is your favorite ship! See you tomorrow, peace!