What’s up Nerds!
For the last day of our anime theme I’m going to be doing a quick review of Psycho-Pass! This is an older anime but one I’ve had on my list for a very long time. I watched the first three episodes now let’s get into the review.
Disclaimer: Slight Spoilers and not recommended for younger than 16+
Psycho-Pass is a sci-fi thriller set in the future where if you even think of doing a crime you are considered guilty. In this future people have what is called a psycho-pass which allows the reading of your mental state to determine your propensity for criminal activity. This information is collected and analyzed by the Sibyl System. This system keeps a watchful over all the citizens of Japan constantly determining whether they will decide to commit a crime and endanger the lives of the people.

The story begins on the scene of an active crime. New inspector Akane Tsunemori arrives on the scene and is immediately assigned two Enforcers. An Enforcer is a latent criminal that is used by law enforcement to go and hunt down other latent criminals. The Inspector is tasked with making sure the Enforcer does not try to escape, or go beyond their duty. As they close in on the criminal the audience is shown a key detail in Inspector Tsunemori’s character. The hostage of the victim had an elevating crime coefficient, which is is a numerical measure of said person’s probability/propensity to commit a crime, an it was continuing to spiral. Enforcer Kogami is ready to take her out, but Inspector Tsunemori hesitates and asks for him to stand down. When he doesn’t as he is following the instructions given to him on his Denominator, she takes a non lethal shot paralyzing him and talking the victim down from committing a crime. Tsunemori feels guilty over shooting Kogami but finds resolve in her decision after visiting him in the hospital. He tells her that she did what was well within her right and that he hopes he can become a detective and not just a hunting dog under her leadership.
On their next case the Enforcers visit a government facility that is essentially in isolation. There had been 3 deaths in the past year which raised some concerns. In this episode we see Inspector Tsunemori trust the Enforcers and their logic and deductions, despite Inspector Ginoza’s criticisms. She trusts Kogami enough to let him lead a plan to catch the obvious murderer within the facility. Because she took a chance on the Enforcers, they were able to capture the murderer committing the crime.
Although I like watching cozier anime, I really enjoy suspense and like detective shows. I think this plays on my love for Nancy Drew books back in the day. But Psycho-Pass is no Nancy Drew, so if you aren’t ready for some of the more mature depictions I would steer clear of this one. I can already see this anime is going to have a theme of morality, which leads me to a few questions I have so far. Who is running the Sibyl System? Who decided that this system was the best way to maintain criminality? Is someone allowed to have a bad thought before being accused as a criminal? Are the Enforcers constantly thinking about criminal activity? Why is rehabilitation out of the question for them? I have more but I’m sure they will be answered as I continue the series.
For the characters, Inspector Tsunemori is okay. I like that she wants to give a person a chance before immediately labeling them a criminal. I liked that she wanted to talk the victim down from committing a crime. However, if she had allowed Enforcer Masaoka to use the non lethal shot of paralyzing they would have reached the same conclusion, so her shooting of Kogomi was unnecessary. After she shot Kogomi, she kind of had this “woe is me” attitude contemplating whether she is in the right field. It was fine for her to reflect on her actions, but everyone she talked too did not have the same opportunities to even have those same kind of worries. So, I don’t know she came across privileged and naïve about how the real world works. I’m hoping as I continue the show she will have some good character growth.
Enforcer Kogomi is definitely hiding something, and I want to know what it is. I want to know his backstory and how he became an Enforcer. There’s a scene right at the beginning of him meeting this man with white hair that seems like a rival of some sort? I don’t know but it does pique my interest. I want to know why he is so determined to find this person. And of course I want to see what will happen when he finds the person and if any Inspectors will get in his way of his revenge.

So lots of questions and it seems I am invested. I will give Psycho-Pass a 3.5 Nerd Light Stars out of 5. I’m glad I finally started watching it after having it on my list forever.
I hope you guys enjoyed this review! Let me know what I should watch and review next and let’s keep this #Nowisthetime challenge going strong. Keep Nerding Out!