Quick Review: Cells at Work


Quick Review: Cells at Work

What’s up its Anime Monday and I’m back with another quick review all about Cells at Work! I’ve actually watched this whole series so I’ll be speaking about the anime from that perspective instead of the usual first episode perspective.

Here’s a quick summary of Cells at Work. This is an anime that has personified the different cells in the body like the red and white blood cells. The story follows a red blood cells as she makes her deliveries giving nutrients to the other cells. As we travel with her we meet different cells and learn about how they function in the body. It’s basically like the anime-adult version of that Magic School Bus episode when they go into the kid’s body. It’s also a lot less gross than the Teen Titans’ ” Body Adventure, but waaay more gorier.

First let’s start with the opening. It’s a fun catchy song that takes us through the body to different cells. It’s fun and light-hearted but also paired with the killing of germs. Everything you’d want in a theme song right?

Next we have the storyline. As I said previously, the story is following a red blood cell on her journey. She has to make different deliveries all around the body like the lungs and heart. She’s always seems to run into trouble though, but White Blood Cell is there to save the day. Whenever the cells face a threat that the White Blood Cell can’t defeat, you can count on other cells stepping up to do their jobs. We get to see so many different cells both good and bad.

We get see what happens when the body is riddled with allergies and when it’s in serious trouble when cancer cells are introduced. Overall this was a refreshing anime to watch. I know everyone doesn’t like to learn but I love learning. I also once a lifetime ago wanted to be a doctor. So this show lets me remember what I’ve learned while continuing to teach me other cool concepts.

For the characters, I like how they are only addressed by what they are. I think this helps the audience pay attention and then connect the name to the function. There are also plenty of awkward encounters between Red blood cell and White blood cell. Even though they are cells they are still human versions of the cells. It was nice seeing the cells interact and struggle though similar situation.

All in all, this is a great anime. If you want to learn more about the body check it out. That’s all I have for y’all today. See you tomorrow, peace!

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