Last year in 2018 the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie was released. And while I was kind of interested in this movie, I was also confused. I thought there was already a Broly movie? Turns out yes, there were three:
Dragon Ball Z Broly, Dragon Ball Z Broly Second Awakening, and Dragon Ball Z Bio-Broly

Why was there a need to make a fourth Broly movie? Is this even canon? So the question remains, why would you watch these movies? Yes, I would assume the super fans of whatever anime would have watched these movies, but what’s the point of them?
Are they just one off stories like anime filler? Are the movies actually staying within the same universe? Is it from the manga??? One anime I loved watching when I was growing up was Inuyasha. When I saw it was on Netflix I dove into my nostalgia. I was then surprised to see 4 movies!

Now have I watched theses movies? No, because I want to watch the show (Netflix you need to get all seasons). I have attempted to watch Dragon Ball: Curse of the Blood Rubies. But I couldn’t get past the face the Goku had a different voice actor! How can I watch an entire movie with a character with a different voice than the anime?? Why do I need to invest in a movie that won’t affect the series? I’m not sure if I want to invest that time.
I’d love to hear some good reasons to watch them. I mean I guess I can watch them to just kill time for some reason. But in all fairness I need to give these movies their fair shot. I also saw some Bleach movies as well that I may look into. I am excited for the Demon Slayer movie that will be released in 2020. However this movie will be in line with the last events of the show. I’ve seen it described as you would be able to skip the movie and not miss anything within the anime. Either way this is one movie I am looking forward to seeing.
But that’s my question for today: Do you watch anime movies and why?
See you tomorrow peace!
Featured Image by Vinson Tan ( 楊 祖 武 ) from Pixabay