What’s up Nerd Lighters! Level_Z0r0 here with a bit of encouragement for you!
From the time we can talk, we always have the adults asking us a question that follows us until we get to adulthood. What do you want to be when you grow up? From kindergarden all the way to college(if you decide to go) we hear this question. It may change from time to time. For instance it could sound like “Well what school are you going to?” Or it could be “What are you going to major in?” And for some reason this question is synonymous with “What’s your calling or purpose in life?” For some this question has always had an answer, or at least they’ve always been sure of themselves. But for me, this was a question that could keep me spiraling.

When we were asked this as kids, everyone expected answers like doctor, lawyer, firefighter, or teacher. Some kids were even adventurous and would say things like astronaut, or the next president. These are answers are fine for a child that has a limited understanding on the world at large and adulthood. I still don’t have a full understanding of adulthood and I’m a whole 27 years old. I think, if handled the wrong way, it sets us up for failure to be asked this so young. It’s fine and it’s cute if a child has a genuine interest in something, but I think when the conversation shifts to where we are making kids think so soon about what they will be doing in 10+ years can be problematic.
I say all this to say that I want to shift the focus. So many of us as we get out of high school feel that we should have a plan of what our life should look like. I can’t tell you how many hours were wasting planning and planning. The thing is even if you go to college, even if you get a good paying job, if it’s not within what really motivates you, it’s likely you won’t stay. I believe that everyone here is put on Earth for a purpose. You do have purpose in your life no matter who says otherwise. But you don’t need to be obsessed with that purpose all of your life.
I’ve had so many different career changes that have lead me to this being a blogger. But this isn’t a type of career that you hear about when you should have your life figured out. This was not an option in my mind when I was in college. I thought I needed to be some kind of doctor, and then it moved to a psychologist, then a counselor and now a gamer/anime blogger. What I want to let you know is that you CAN do what you dreamed of. Sure, there’s going to be hard work involved and you shouldn’t expect things to happen for free. Not everyone is privy to that kind of lifestyle.
It took me a while to finally understand that I only have one life and I don’t want to spend it all doing a job that doesn’t bring my any kind of joy or satisfaction. Don’t get me wrong, ever job you have you’re not going to like. And there can be aspects of your passion/dream job that you won’t like. But it’s your choice on what you want to do. No one else, just you. Don’t let society, your parents, or your friends dictate what you want to do in life. It’s your life. If you want to be a blogger, be the best freaking blogger there ever was. If you want to be pro-gamer, then put your all in being the best gamer you can be. Find that inspiration you need to keep pushing.

Whenever I need a pick up or some motivation. I literally watch Beyonce’s Homecoming. It is like the perfect culmination of hard work and talent all in a couple of hours. I see the dedication in the musicians and performers and it is palpable.

Find something like that can spurn you on during your dark days. Believe that you are capable. You have everything you need. And if you’re a believer, know that God’s got you. That dream He gave you, it’s real. It’s real and big and seemingly impossible, but you can do it because He lives in you.
If you need to come back to this save it, but know I am rooting for all you. Those I’ve met and those I will soon meet. One day I will get to hold a convention where I get to see and interact with you guys and it going to be freaking awesome. I see it vividly and am putting the work in to make it happen. If no one’s ever believed you, know I got you! Trust and believe y’all.
What’s something you’re working on during this quarantine season? Let me know in the comments! Peace!