What’s up Nerds!
Welcome to 2022! I hope your January is going smoothly. Like so many of us January represents reset or a new beginning of some sorts. It’s the time to revaluate your goals or dreams. As a fellow creative, writer, and mom (soon to be of 2!) I want to encourage you to take your time this January. In the past we’ve been socialized to hit the ground running at the start of the year. But these last two years (for reasons you already know) has been pretty hectic. Plans have gotten changed or outright cancelled and some dreams may seem even further than when you first though ot them.
I’m not here to try to sell you some typical and cliché saying to get you motivated for the start of the new year. To be honest I’m already tired haha, albeit it’s probably because of the pregnancy. While I won’t lie and say I don’t have goals to accomplish this year, but I want to attempt them differently. I do think it’s great to refocus at the stat of the year but my real goal for this year to be more consistent and authentic. Not everyone does this but a lot of people choose a word to fous on for the new year. The word we choose for our family this year is Build. I want to build out a lot of the ideas that have been brewing in my mind for the last 1-2 years.
I’ve chosen words over the last few years but honestly I’ve never taken the time to actually see if what I was doing furing that year was aligning with the word that was chosen. This year I want to be more intentional. So here’s some actionalbe steps I plan on taking and you can join too!
First, I want to set up a meeting with myself every quarter to see my progress on my current projects.
In this meeting I will go over the success and shortcomings of the projects I’m working. Then I’ll figure out if I will continue certain projects into the next quarter. These meetings will be integral with keeping up with the progression on your goals this year.
Second, I want invite my trusted family and friends for accountability.
I have a tendency to start a lot of things but not finish them. And part of that is because I tend to keep all my creative endeavors to myself. Mostly because of fear of it failing or being stolen. A lot of it just being in my head about my abilities and worth. And while I don’t have a magical solution to get out of your head, I think a first step could be finding some people to keep you accountable.
Lastly, I want to refocus “failures” as “pivots”
As I mentioned previously, I have a fear of failing. I honestly have a feel of being successful as well. So this year I want to really see what I would originally deem as a failure as just a pivot. I’m entering into new territory when it comes to writing stories, trying to vlog, reviewing anime and games. And in order to keep myself motivated I have to change my perspective when something doesn’t work. It’s not a failure, it’s just a new opportunity to do it a different way or try a different thing. I just need to pivot.

Another thing I’m realizing as I’m moving into 2022 is that if I’ve been called to something, God will actually make it work out. Now don’t be fooled into thinking this will be easy or not stressful because it will not. Honestly it will probably be the most stressful time you’ve experienced. That what 2021 was for me. But He was faithful and when I needed it most my prayer was answered even when I wanted to give up. I say all of that to say that to remind you to keep yourself grounded in something. For me it’s God but it could be something else for you. Whatever you choose, use it to keep you focused. Don’t let the abstract thinking of planning for a project keep you for actually doing the thing. Let’s accomplish all we’ve set out to do this year. Let’s let 2022 be a year of action.
What goals/plans do you have for 2022? If you don’t want to set goals what are you doing different this year? Let me know in the comments below! Keep nerding out!
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya from Pexels