Hey Nerds!
Have you ever played a video game or watched an anime and thought “Man I really really hate this villain.” Well I have and I have a few characters that were so villainous I still hate them to this day. There are more characters I can add, but these are the characters whose names still makes me want to go on a vitriolic rant. By the way these are all villains I’ve seen so I’m sure there are probably worse people in these shows, but this is what I’ve seen so far. (this is mainly a disclaimer for One Piece as I am not current). Also There Will Be Spoilers!! These shows have been out for a while but in the event you haven’t seen them, there will be spoilers. And the order of these villains will be from Horrible to most hated.

Hunter x Hunter
Chimera Ant Arc
So this character right here, gets the smoke because of what they did to Gon. They were one of the the Chimera King Mereum personal guard. The entire Chimera Ant Arc is pretty ruthless. The Chimera Ants are amalgamations of humans and various animals. But deadly, very very deadly. So the Chimera Ant Queen devours all these humans in order to produce the strongest heir. When King Mereum is born Neferpitou is present as one of his guards. They kill Kite and use him as a puppet. They also lie to Gon making him think that their Nen powers could somehow restore Kites life all so Gon wouldn’t harm Komugi as she was essential to the King. Pitou is on this list because of the turmoil Gon had to go through just to enact his revenge. He went through all of this and still couldn’t restore Kite to his former self. Again all the guards are crazy and evil, but Pitou’s actions dug in just too deep.

Donquixote Doflamingo
One Piece
Dressrosa Arc
To start off the list I have to talk about Doflamingo AKA “Joker”. He used to be one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the most famous underground broker. He is also Captain of the Donquixote Pirates and a descendent of the Donquixote family who were former World Nobles. Alright so this man is a horrible, terrible human being. Some may say that this is due to his tragic upbringing and yes it was tragic. He was basically tortured because his father decided to leave the cozy home of the Celestial Dragons and live among the common folk. Well people don’t forget how the Celestial Dragons were abusive to them so they decided they were going to kill them. As his family was on the run, his mother died and he his brother, and his daughter are dangled out of a window and strung up on a building. The people of the town wanted to kill them with arrows. This plann was foiled though because Doffy releases a strong Haki that knocked everyone out. So yeas he had a tragic childhood, but Doffy as an adult? He is beyond a menace and just evil. He decides that he will be the ruler over a country that doesn’t practice violence and that had tried hard to maintain peace. King Riku in his naviety to the cunning pirate decies to trust that Doflamingo would not harm the people of Dressrosa if he was able to gather the mony he requested. Unfortunately King Riku learned through a firsthand experience how cunning Doflamingo could be. He used King Riku, by controlling him with his devil fruit powers to slaughter the people and soldiers of Dressrosa. Doflamingo’s devil fruit is called the String-String fruit. He uses his power to subjugate the people of Dressrosa and then he and his companions come swooping in like the are the heroes.
Not only did he takeover the kingdom, but he also employed another devil-fruit user named Sugar that turns people into toys. And her horrifying power has people turn into toys and all who knew them forget their entire existence. So Doffy had thousands of people turned into toys. This was just another way to keep the people of Dressrosa under his rule and control. Once the Straw Hats and Law decided to overtake his rule and help the people of Dressrosa, Doffy determined to kill everyone on the island so no one could escape. The whole arc was heart-wrenching because we saw so many families reuniting and we got to see the people of Dressrosa finally acknowledge Doflamingo’s tyranny. One Piece has had some crazy villains but Doflamingo is definitely one of the worst in the series.

Malty S Melromarc
The Rising of the Shield Hero
Let me go ahead and say I hate this girl. I mean I despise her to the depths of my heart. She’s a liar and a manipulator of the worse kind. I mean any evil term you could atribue to Malty. She hates her sister and her mother and seems themm as obstabcles to her ruling over Melromarc. She uses each of the 4 Legendary Heroes for her own gains going as far to frame Naofumi “The Shield Hero” for rape. For basically no reason mind you, just to do it. She then uses the “Spear Hero” Motoyasu by joining his companions and using him for her outlandish spending habits. She also made sure no other woman got close to Motoyasu even selling a companion into slavery. I mean this girl hates her mother and sister so much that she continues to try to kill them. She doesn’t apologize for her behavior or seem even the least bit remorseful. She instead blames Naofumi for all her hardships and problems. She blames her victim you guys. And she uses every change she can to bring him to ruin just for her own gain. Which also includes tampering with a sacred duel. Like you guys I hate this character so much. I was hoping they would’ve just let her die but noooooo. She should have died or at least been exiled. She is synonymous with evil. There’s nothing left for me to say.

Shou Tucker
Full Metal Alchemist/Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
This man is arguably the MOST HATED CHARACTER IN ALL OF ANIME. And let me tell you why. Ed and Al start visiting his estate because they find out that he has an extensive library and they are hoping to find more information about how to restore their bodies to their former selves. This is also because he is the Sewing-Life alchemist. But little did they know how insane this man is. They learn about his family, his wife has passed away and it is only he his daughter Nina, and their pet dog Alexander. At first everything seems normal and the brothers enjoy spending time with Tucker and his daughter Nina. Because his type of alchemy is experimental he tells them that he is worried that if he does not get another breakthrough this year, then his funding will cease. So you want to know what this monster did? He freaking merged together his daughter Nina and their dog Alexander, making a new hybrid chimera that understands language. This is the second one he’s created after first doing the same thing to his wife. Needless to say he is the most hated character I have ever seen. And they pull you in letting us see his daughter and have her be friendly with Ed and Al. Just to dash our hope in humanity.