To my younger self

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To my younger self

Hey Nerds!

Today’s post is all about encouragement. One of the tips I’ve read in these re-parenting blogs is to say the words that your younger self needed. So that’s what I’m going to try today. I hope this can resonate with you too as we all push our way through our days.

Hey Kristen,

Do you know how hard you’ve been working? Staying out of trouble and keeping up your grades? You did that and I see your effort. I saw how you tried to keep that friendship and your good intentions. Unfortunately, some people aren’t meant to stay with you forever, but that’s not your fault. Not really theirs either you both just want different things. But you did it you got into college! You don’t know this yet but that breakup was needed. There’s a special someone waiting to meet you there. But it’s hard not to think about the people you’ve lost because you’re a sensitive person. You’re a feeling person. And that’s how you’re supposed to be. Now I’m not going to lie college is difficult. You’re not going to know what you want to do and it’s going to feel like you have to know immediately. I wanted to tell you to take your time because I didn’t. It’s actually okay to change your major too something you really enjoy. No one’s going to tell you this either but you can be an artist! You can be a writer! You don’t have to focus on money all the time. What you ultimately need to do is trust in God. He knows your story and how everything plays out. It’s going to suck too because He doesn’t always let you know that you’re good. But you are. So good in fact you will be building your life together with someone who truly sees you and loves you. So I know it’s hard right now and you’re wishing you could be in a different situation. That’s normal too. Don’t listen to anyone saying your feelings aren’t valid because they are. It’s just going to take some time to learn how to manage all the things you feel constructively. But the main thing I wanted to tell you is that you are so loved. I love you and I’m so proud of you. You’ve done things you didn’t think you could do, but you did it. You’re amazing, funny and so loyal. Any person would be lucky to have a friend like you. And when you’re looking for those friendships that will fill you up, know that they are coming. Keep being you.

Thanks for reading that moment with me. I hope it’ll give you some encouragement to speak to your younger self and build yourself up. You’re doing great. No one knows your situation but you do and you’re doing great. Keep nerding out.

Photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

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