Hey Nerds!
When I was a kid, I went through many iterations of what I wanted to be. The options I chose were pretty typical: a teacher, lawyer, and doctor. Then I was stuck on doctor for a while and I wanted to be a plastic surgeon for the longest time. After that, I was on being an OB/GYN and then a pediatrician. I even started college with intention of going to med school.

But then I met my greatest enemy in the form of organic chemistry and those dreams were dashed. I’m not one up to give up so I held on longer than I needed. I couldn’t get past a D so it was time for me to let it go. So I switched to psychology. I loved it and had a good career afterward. But I still didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing. I bounced around from temp job to job. And I mean it, it was okay. But I always felt like I wasn’t really doing what I was called to do.
Part of that unfulfillment is what led to this here blog! I felt like I was being called to do something else, to create something else. What I didn’t realize was that not only did I want to build a community around nerd stuff like video games and anime, but I wanted to create it too.
Once you realize that thing that you want to do, it can be hard to not think of it all the time. Last year was actually great to start putting some things into action. I’ve had these stories in my mind for a while and they are finally getting put on paper (figuratively).

I’m excited about the planning that I’m doing and I can’t wait to share some chapters here in the near future. It’s cool to finally realize the thing you want to do. The only thing now is that there is no blueprint for what I really want to do. My dream now is to start an animation company but I don’t know the first thing about animation. I don’t really know why this dream was put in my mind but here it is. And I’ve tried multiple times to so shoo it away or think that I needed to do something else. You know something that really mattered to the world.
I think a lot of creatives struggle with this. Am I doing something legitimate? Or am I wasting my time? Should I focus on just getting a regular 9-5 like everyone else? Not to mention I’m starting way behind. I could’ve taken more time in college to really decide on what I should do. I could’ve switched to art or design. But who knows where I would be now.

I saw all this to say that I don’t have it all figured out. There’s still a bigger dream that I have that I’m trying to reach. And there’s not really a blueprint for it. I mean you can go to school in the traditional way, but at the end of the day, there will be choices that you have to make to live the life you’ve been called to. I just want to encourage you guys and let you know that no one has it figured out. We’re all literally stumbling as we go.
Let me know in the comments what’s your dream or passion. Did it change as you got older? And remember to keep nerding out!
Picture credit
Photo by RF._.studio from Pexels
Photo by Piron Guillaume on Unsplash
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash
Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash