Hello Nerd Lighters! I’m here with episode 9 of Season 3’s Aggretsuko! As always if you want to read any of the previous reviews for episodes 1-8 you can find them listed below. Let’s get started!
Episode Recap

Inui asks Haida if he likes her. Haida is hesitant. She tells him that she like him and then leaves his apaprtment. At work Haida sees Inui, but she doesn’t speak to him. Fenneko puts together what happened with the handkerchife. and says this is the result of Haida’s flip flop feelings for Retsuko. Then ___ shows up saying she is the love poliece. She tells them at the most, Haida is only deserving of a yellow card (this is a reference to soccer btw). She then goes on to explain the meaning behind Inui’s choice of words. ___ says that it’s a trick to figure out where they stand intheir relationhsp. She says Inui was proactive by leading you to the next stages. And lets him know that she likes him.

Next we see Director Ton’s daughters having a “death voice” battle. They then showed him a video of Retsuko’s death voice instruction. They then show him the OTM girls CD. At work he finds Kamui listening to it at work, and grills him for knowing about Retusko in the group. Dirctor Ton then confronts Retsuko about it, saying that his daughters are fans of her. Next we see Manaka working her other job at a convienence store. Her manager talkes about how OTM is getting more foollowers, and that Manaka will probably quit. Manaka says that it’s going well but she’s not going anywher just yet. Her manager says there will be a time when she has to choose.

Back to the office, Retsuko shares that she’s in the group because of debt. Ton asks how much, and says that she should have consulted him about it. He says shoudn’t it be better to quit as soon as possible? But then Retusko says she can’t because they’re her friends and she wants to help them pursure their dreams. Ton replies that he doesn’t care about any of that, and reminds her of what her main job is. Now that she’s an idol, she will have no place to run. He asks her when the debt collectors come knocking will she be able to hand it? He says she’ll have to make a choice. Before she answers, she gets a call from Manaka and says when the time comes, she’ll give him her two weeks. Manaka asks if she’s seen the fake OTM account. Retsuko looks at it and sees pictures of her going into her apartment and her apartment building. Haida find Inui at the subway station and says hello. He tells her the curry was good and apologizes about the other day. She says it’s just a timing issue and asks if Retsuko was from accounting. He says he will stop acting childish and he will think clearly about it. Inui says good, and to be quick about it.

Hyoudo says that he asked for the picures to be removed but that people have probably already figured out where Retusko lives. Retsuko brushes it off saying it’s probably just an avid fan. Manaka vehmently disagrees and warns Retsuko. Retsuko agains says that she’s fine, because she feels that this is where she needs to be. At the next concert, the girls are ready to received their fans who have bought their CDs with their 3 second handshake. It is going well at first, and Retsuko notices how happen the fans are just to shake hands with her. Then comes a fan who has bought 100 tickets, the same fan with the OTM patch on his jacket sleeve. So he is allowed 300 seconds with Retsuko. While shaking her hand, he badgers her saying she’s just poining for attention. That she is a blood-sucking machine that extores money for fans. He says he can only feel pity for her, and notes only 30 seconds have passed.

Okay so I’m going to go out of order of the episode because I need to talk about this scene right now. So this fan?? Wow. I wouldn’t have cared if he had brought in 1000 tickets, he wouldn’t have been talking to me like that. I know there’s a cultural difference when it comes to idols and fans in the US then overseas in certain countries, but you have to draw a line. And I just know that this is the stalker guy too! Hyoudo should have put an end to all of that as soon as he heard what he was saying. Or Manaka, anyone could have helped stopped that. I’m not blaming them because I know everyone was shocked, I just wish they had a contingency plan. For instance, there should have been some kind of rule established that fans would only be able to use a max of like 10 tickets or something. That way everyone would know that it didn’t matter if you bought 100 tickets, you would only be able to use a certain amount when coming in contact with the idols. Hyoudo knows that there are harrassers and stalkers, and that Retsuko’s address has bascially been shared to the internet.

Actually I take that back, Hyoudo needs some blame here. If you are a manager, then your number 1 priority needs to be to keep your idols healthy and safe. He should have been on guard for any suspsicious activity. I thought it was cool that they had their OTM ride or die fans upgraded to security. One of them could have even been there to stay by Retsuko’s side. It just seems like this could have been managed better. It seems like the catalyst of Retsuko’s behavior is changing. It appeared as though she wanted to be in the group for herself, but I’m not so sure now. It’s that comment she said about the fans. I just don’t want her to put so much weight on herself to please the fans. I wish she would look at her own mental health first.

Whew! Okay now let’s get to Haida and Inui. I told y’all Inui was putting in work. Tsunoda lets us in on Inui’s thought process. And she told Haida that he needs to make up his mind quick! Sis is not waiting forever for him to make up his mind. Since she’s been the one he’s been around the most, I think she’s betting on him choosing her if he has to make a quick decision. The thing is, Haida is not going to be thinking about Inui once he finds out someone is stalking Retsuko. I just don’t think this is going to turn out the way Inui wants. He’s not going to leave Retsuko alone, knowing she’s in trouble. Man this episode was too much! I can’t imagine what’s going to happen in the season finale.
There’s only one episode left! Be sure to join me for my final review of Season 3 and my final thoughts of the season! And don’t forget we are wrapping up the year’s #NowstheTime campaign! I can’t wait to see all the progress you guys have made this month. Let me know what part shocked you the most in this episode in the comments below! Peace!
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