What’s up Nerds! Today I have what I think to be a very interesting topic for our movie/tv show theme this week. Let’s talk about anomalies. Anomalies tend to lend themselves as the main character of stories. What if I told you that Miles Morales (specifically from Across the Spider-verse) has some traits in common with Galadriel from Rings of Power?
Disclaimer: SPOILERS for Rings of Power and Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse

Before we start, it would be best to define an anomaly. I want to focus on these two defintions from Merriam Webster
1 something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified : something anomalous
2 deviation from the common rule : IRREGULARITY
After reading these definitions it is clear that both Miles and Galadriel are different. At first in Rings of Power Galdariel after fighting the Northern armies becomes obsessed with finding Sauron. She pushes her squadron to the brink searching for evidence of Sauron’s return and even decides to not go to Valinor. Miles also misses his friends he’s met in the other dimensions. He wants to even join this Spider Society just to get a watch so he can keep in touch with all his friends he made.
Both of these characters are positioned to be the “different” one. For Miles he is the anomaly. He’s the one that shouldn’t have become Spider-Man. Throughout the movie he is constantly being reminded of what he is not. Galadriel is constantly reminded of who she is as an elf, and as someone who is focused on finding Sauron. Galadriel is almost seen as a crazy old woman because everyone else is trying to move on from the war, but she keeps sifting for information.

The second definition of anomaly really drives home the comparison between these two main characters. The deviation from the common rule. Or in other words choosing to resist the status quo. Actively deciding to go down a different path. Miles conflict meets the crashing point when he finds out his father must die in order for the timeline of the other dimensions to stay stable. But Miles is tired of people telling him what path he has to take and what he has to do. He believes in himself enough to know that he can make a choice, that there is another way. Galadriel also deviates from the norm by not returning to Valinor after time in the war. What would be considered an honor among her people, and yet she declines this opportunity. She shows time and time again that she will not rest until Sauron is found.
So what does this mean as far as character development? I believe both Galadriel and Miles have great foundations. They have previous source material that many in the audience will pull from to make out their character. What is so interesting about their current iterations is that we get to see how they handle being casted in an almost villain portrayal. Both characters are used to going out and solving crimes in their own way but it is not easy to continue to do so when it seems like everyone is against you. In each of their respective media, both characters find friends that they rely on in tense situations. But it is these same friendships that are the catalyst to them being betrayed. This propels the main characters to fully embrace their deviations and continue down the path that they forged.
I hope you guys enjoyed the post! I’ll see you tomorrow! Keep nerding out!