What’s up Nerds!
You guys I just watched the first 4 episodes of Sugar Apple Fairy and it’s so much better than I thought it would be!
Disclaimer: Spoilers for the 1st 3 episodes!
So to begin we meet Anne. She’s just lost her mother and she’s determined to follow her dreams and become a Silver Sugar Master. She wants to make a sugar confection to send off her mother to the heavens. Anne is dedicated to her dreams and is not concerned about marriage though there is a suitor Jonas who keeps hounding her. More on him later. But Anne is your typical female lead with a mission. She knows the journey she needs to take to go to Lewiston where the King will choose the next Silver Sugar Master.
Anne sets off to a nearby town where she will need to buy a fairy. Fairies are magical and are used as servants, pets, laborers, warriors and companions. Anne arrives and saves a fairy from being killed by a fairy hunter for trying to steal his wing. When a human captures a fairy they take one of their wings to make them bound to the master. The wings of a fairy are essential to the life of the fairy. They work as their heart. The small fairy scurries away vowing to never thank Anne for his freedom. Anne then makes her way to buy a warrior fairy. She purchased a warrior fairy and tells him once he helps her travel to Lewiston safely through the Bloody trail she will return his wing to him. The warrior fairy named Challe fen Challe does not trust her words and is cold to her.
As they travel through the Bloody Trail, they are attacked by bandits in which Anne orders Challe to save them. Here is when Anne witnesses Challe’s true power as a warrior fairy. Once the bandits are disposed of, she notices that the other cart they were attacking was belongs to Jonas. He followed Anne to try to win her heart again after being rejected by her. Anne insists that Jonas return to their hometown but he says he’s just doing what he wants. So Anne reluctantly offers to travel together. Around this time the little fairy she saved also comes to join her party vowing to return her favor even if he has to follow her to the ends of the earth. His name is Mithril Lin Pod.

As they make their way further the stop at a doctor’s inn where they meet a mysterious man named Hugh. They have a brisk meeting and he offers to apologize and pay for their stay. However he asks them to make a confection for him to make it even. So both Anne and Jonas are up to the task. Once they are finished, they offer their confections to Hugh. Hugh judges them and crushes the confections into pieces. Hugh says of Anne that she is the better confectioner, but she is not using her own style but “simply aping” someone else’s. Once they leave the doctor’s inn, she realizes her silver sugar has been stolen. Cathy, Jonas’s labor fairy states that is Mithril who has eaten all the sliver sugar. Anne is hesitant to defend Mithril which causes him to leave the group.
Jonas tells Anne about a sugar apple field on the way to Lewiston that will give her enough time to make more silver sugar and be there in time for the competition. He again tries to make a move on her, to which Anne vehemently rejects him again. Jonas seemingly understands but then betrays her by stealing her cart with her confection creation. He tells her if she had just fallen in love with him then he wouldn’t have had to do it. He steals her cart with the help of his Cathy his labor fairy. Cathy throws blood onto Anne causing wolves to follow and attack her. Challe stays and defends her despite her pleas for him to go after Jonas. Once the wolves are disposed of, Anne feels defeated. She returns Challe’s wing stating that she will not be able to enter into the competition. He accepts and leaves. Alone Anne cries herself to sleep.
In the morning Anne wakes up to see the weather has cleared. She goes and looks at some blueberries and then a fairy is born. Challe returns to see this new fairy. He warns to fairy to go and live in peace away from the humans. The fairy asks about Anne, to which he responds that she is special. Anne asks why Challe returned and he states he wants her to fulfil her promise to make him a confection. She obliges and makes a confection in the image of the newly created fairy. Challe whisks her to Lewiston so she can enter her creation. She is picked out by the King who states that her confection is his favorite, but the queen worries that she won’t be able to replicate it for a grand decoration. He then chooses Jonas’ which is really Anne’s stolen creation. To settle the dispute Hugh, who is actually the Royal Silver Master, states they should recreate the butterflies used in the piece. Anne readily agrees knowing she can replicate it. Hugh stops the showdown calling Jonas a disgrace. However because Anne has improved her work, Hugh cannot say that the larger creation is hers, and the King agrees. There was no one chosen this year, but the Queen encourages Anne by saying she looks forward to what she will create next year. Challe also states he has no need for this previous confection because it was not made by a Silver Sugar Master, so he too will wait for Anne until she reaches her goals.
Oh my goodness you guys! This anime is everything I would want in a drama/romance anime. There’s just enough action to keep the story moving with just a few sprinkles of romantic interactions. Just enough to now be overdone or too predictable. Even it’s predictability is enjoyed as I am fully invested. You’ll have to watch to see more of Challe’s backstory but I love him already. He’s exactly what you would think a warrior fairy would be. Though the age difference is a little much, I’m hoping we’ll get to see Anne age up a little more since she’s stated that she’s 15. Though it is a different world and she is out and about traveling by herself so I assume 15 is like our 18. But I love this anime so far! I love the backstory of the fairies and how they come to be. I hope we get to see more fairies in this way. I am hoping Anne does more to step in for fairies as well.
So far I give this 4 Nerd light stars out of 5! I’m excited to see how the story continues.

That’s it for me today, keep nerding out!