Hey Nerds!
Finally we get a new trailer for the upcoming Aggretsuko season! We are on season 4 and the trailer does not disappoint.

First Haida, Haida, Haida. Poor Haida. I’m going to need Haida to win in this season. He’s best boy and I need to see him either get with Retsuko or move on like for real for real. It looks like he’s trying one last time, but she definitely says to just be friends. So I think he needs to let her go. She’s missing out. Haida is a catch. But more on that later. Did y’all see the new Director though???! Homie is kinda fine and sophisticated. And it looks like he’s all about business too. I mean right in the trailer we see Director Ton getting transferred!! Like what?? And Kabae is getting fired? This new director I think is a wolf??? He has long hair and looks like he is all about business. I mean those were only the changes we saw in the trailer who knows what else he’s getting ready to flip on it’s head.
I don’t know what to think of him completely but I am liking that he seems to have taken Haida under his wing. I need Haida to gain some confidence in himself. And it looks like he will. He’s done with all the nice guy stuff! He’s like this gets me no where. But I’m hoping Haida gets the confidence but doesn’t become a jerk. And you know whenever we get a new character in Aggretsuko it’s a toss up. I’ve loved all the new characters the show has introduced each season. From Manako to Anai I love how the show introduces each new character and how the story continues to deepen.
I’m excited for the new season and all the twists and turns. I really hope that Retsuko can continue to evolve as well. Is she’s really not interested in Haida, she needs to be clear and stop entertaining the option. Because it definitely seems like the door isn’t exactly closed when it come to Haida. I want them both to be happy and honestly I don’t know if I actually want to see them together. Looking at that trailer, if Inui waited a bit her and Haida could’ve been end goals. Thinking back on what happened in season 3 if Haida took more time to get to know Inui I think he could have really fallen for her. But I get it he wanted to try one more time with Retsuko and Inui wanted him to make a decision right then. I don’t know but I didn’t see her in any of the promo pictures so I don’t think she’s coming back. And I’m just hoping Retsuko is not going to treat Haida like trash, like I hope she actually gives him a legit chance before turning him down. Retsuko has always been preoccupied with other stuff in her life so she’s never really paid Haida any mind. I’m just trying to see Haida win haha. This is a supportive Haida post!

I think I need to go ahead and do my next post on other potential relationships within the Aggretsuko world. That post will be out soon! Are you excited for them new season? Who are you most ready so see? I’m excited to see Fenneko and her laugh 😂. Let me know in the comments and keep nerding out!