Rating my Favorite Characters Genshin Impact

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Rating my Favorite Characters Genshin Impact

What’s up Nerd Light!

I just want to let you guys know that our #NowstheTime campaign is almost over! I hope you’ve been going strong all November writing or completing whatever goal you had. I have to say that this November has been way better in terms of writing than last year. Let’s finish out strong these last few days!

Alright, now on the the post. These post is all about Genshin Impact and I will be rating my favorite characters of the game. Keep in mind that I may not have access to all the characters you have, or I may have a couple that you do not. It’s all good! And if you disagree, let’s discuss! Let’s get into the list.

Amber 9/10

She’s the only Outrider of the Knights of Favonius. Her vision is Pyro and her weapon of choice is a bow. For me, Amber is solid. I am notorious for picking the character with a long-ranged weapon. That is my favorite way to play. I enjoy her Pyro arrows being able to pick off Hillichurls. I typically use Amber as I’m making my way to a new place or a Hillichurl camp. She is also one of the main characters that can actually take out a Ruin Guard. While I’m not fond of her elemental skill, Explosive Puppet, her elemental burst, Fiery Rain is top tier. I love using Fiery Rain in conjunction with Lisa’s Lightening Rose. I can deal a lot of damage to multiple enemies at once. She is usually on my roster whenever I turn on the game. Push come to shove Amber’s on my team. She’s also apart of my golden trio.

Kaeya 8/10

The Calvary captain of the Knights of Favonius. His weapon of choice is a sword and his vision is Cryo. I enjoy having Kaeya in my party. He’s really come in handy when I’ve been in some tough spots. On the surface he doesn’t seem to be a strong character, but that’s further from the truth. Kaeya is one of the strongest in my party, minus my own character, and I his elemental moves are some of my favorites. Having a vision of Cryo really comes in handy when I’m out in the world of Teyvat and happen to be near a pond, lake or ocean. His elemental skill Frostgnaw is akin to SubZero’s ice blast, freezing enemies in front of you. His elemental burst Glacial Waltz is also paired well with Lisa’s Lightening Rose. I also especially like to use Kaeya any time there’s rain. Using his Glacial Waltz can freeze multiple enemies even faster in a rain storm. And let me not forget his personality. I love Kaeya’s laid back vibe and his outlook on life. I would rate him higher if I could do a little more with his elemental burst move. He also makes up 1/3 of my golden trio.

Lisa 7.5/10

Lisa the librarian. Her vision is Electro and her weapon of choice is catalyst. Out of the visions that I’ve seen, Electro is my favorite. And not only is it my favorite but so far Lisa is my favorite character with it. Now with that being said out of my favorite trio party of three, she is my weakest. My favorite move of hers that I’ve already mention is her elemental burst Lighting Rose. Like I mentioned with Amber and Kaeya, it’s a great move to combine with others. Besides this move her elemental skill, Violet Arc when held can give large electro damage to enemies nearby. The problem with this move though, is that you have to hold it for at least 5 seconds. In an intense battle, this leaves Lisa wide open for attacks that are unblockable. For this, her rating has to go down a bit. I understand that characters who use catalyst weapons are probably made to be more supportive, but I think she has the capability to be much stronger. She rounds out my golden trio.

Barbara 6/10

She’s the deaconess of Favonius. Her vision is Hydro and her weapon of choice is a catalyst. Barbara for sure my choice for a Hydro character. However, she is has to be played with a Cryo or Electro character. There has to be someone you can work with along with Barbara to really make her effective. I tend to use her and Kaeya together since I can usually get a frozen reaction and it’ll be enough to immobilize my opponents. Admittedly she is a recent acquisition so I haven’t had as much time with her like my golden trio. But she has her good qualities. I enjoy her elemental skill of Let the Show Begin and it is a great supportive move. There’s not a lot of characters that have healing abilities so she’s good to have in your arsenal.

Xiangling 7/10

Head chef at Wanmin Restaurant. Her vision is Pyro and her weapon of choice is a polearm. Xiangling is a surprisingly decent fighter. I really don’t understand why all the Pyro types seem to have some kind of sidekick, but I don’t get frustrated with hers as much. Her elemental skill is called Guoba attack with her panda Guoba. He breathes fire at the enemies for a short period of time. Her regular attacks are with her polearm, which she can perform 5 consecutive strikes. My favorite move by her is her elemental burst which is called Pyronado. This ability swings her polearm encased in fire around her for a duration. Overall Xiangling is a capable party member that I don’t mind subbing for Amber. Sis is number 1 in the kitchen though, and if you’ve played her side quest story you’ll know what I mean.

Fischl 4/10

Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Vision is Electro with a bow as her weapon of choice. So you think that this combination would be my no. 1 pick right? She has my favorite element and my favorite weapon. But sadly, this was not the case. I don’t know how everyone else feels about her, but she is always in my bottom choices. I don’t know if I need to just have more time with her or what, but she sucks. I know that’s harsh, but I can’t figure out how to describe how much I dislike playing with her in my party. I love Oz and he is so cool to hear speak. But Fichl this girl is more other worldly than the traveler who literally comes from another world. Again basing off of what I’ve seen in the game, she is just a lot for me. I’m not going to totally write her off, but as of now she is on the bench indefinitely.

Xingqiu 3/10

The second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. His vision is Hydro, sword is his weapon of choice. So I’m not feeling Xingqiu at all. I wanted to give him his fair shot and I have been trying you guys, but I just don’t see it. He ain’t doing it for me. I need him to be stronger and to have a stronger move set, but I am just not experiencing it. I think I will have to really grind with him and Fischl to see what others are saying. I’ve read that these two make a great pair so I’m not going to give up hope yet. I just need more time with them. But as of now, he’s benched too. I really enjoy his personality though and I look forward to getting to his chapters in Liyue.

And there you have it folks! Those are my ratings of the characters I have so far in Genshin Impact. I look forward to getting more so I can update or make a part 2 of this list. Let me know who’s your favorite character and who are you choosing in your party?

Till next time, Peace!

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