Today is the last day of my challenge. I created this challenge at the start of November to push myself. I wanted to use this challenge to make me try something to help my writing and my site. I’m happy to report that with this final post for November 30th I have posted 30 times this month. I didn’t miss a single day with a post!
I know for some who read this, they may think what I did wasn’t a big deal. And that’s fine. What I struggled with, may not be the same for you. What hindered me on my site was my lack of dedication to what I wanted to write. I was so caught up in people not reading that I wouldn’t even take the time to write it out. This challenge helped me realize my purpose again. I want to make a space for others who have the same experience as me be able to come together because of their love of video games and anime. I want to write for that Christian Black girl who loves anime and video games, but has a family that doesn’t quite get it. Or the Latino guy who can’t tell his friends that his favorite show is really Aggretsuko.
This challenge helped me keep a promise to myself. I didn’t know how keeping up with these daily posts helped me rediscover my love for the site. I want to make it even better and more engaging. I can’t wait to add the podcast and videos as well. During this challenge I discovered this group of guys called RDCWorld1. They are a group of Black guys with a love of anime and video games. It took a while for their success, but they kept at it. Their name means” Real Dreamers Change the World”. While their videos keep me laughing, they serve as a greater inspiration for what I’m doing on this site. It sorta confirmed that this is what I’m supposed to be doing. I hope I can meet them and do a video or podcast in the future.
Will this site be for everyone? No, but I can’t let the thought of you not liking my site keep me from creating. I do hope when you come here you can find that there’s another Christian Black girl from the South that is obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, LoZ, Bleach, One Piece and many more. I love doing this and I want to make this THE thing. This is how I will help people and this is how I will leave my mark on the world. I can’t wait for you guys to see the site improve and see me get better.

Thanks for riding with me through this challenge and I hope to see you back here in 2020! Peace!
Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay