What’s happening everybody! So last year around this time I was a new mom with an almost 1 month old, but I was determined to do something with my blog. I’d had it for 2 years and I wasn’t seeing any kind of progress. I decided November was going to be my month to not only re-vamp my blog but to also stretch myself creatively and as a writer. So I started my own campaign called #NowistheTime. I got the idea from NaNoWriMo, which is National Novel Writing Month. I knew I didn’t want to write a novel, but I wanted to used November as my get back on track month. So here were are a year later and ready to take on November again!

So this year is #NowistheTime Vol. 2. This is my second year posting an article/blog post every day for all of November. My ultimate goal last year was to make sure I posted each and every day with at least 500 words. This year, I’d like to up the word count to get to between 800-1000. Apparently there is research that supports longer article posts. So I want to do my best to try to hit that with my articles. So to try to hit this word count, let’s go into what I need to do to approach this campaign this year.
First, research is going to need to play a bigger role in my articles. When I was in school, I used to hate making sure I had the proper citations within my paper and I would always get points taken off for them. You would think that by now I would be used to them, but if I can avoid it I usually do. So for Vol. 2 I am going to try to make sure I use adequate citations throughout my articles and see if I can link back to previous articles that are related.
Next, I want to make sure I’m engaging with you guys on Instagram. This is probably going to be my hardest task yet. I am the type of social media user who doesn’t really post, besides something with my son, but who loves consuming information. So this will definitely be a challenge for me, but I’m going to try to hit this goal.

I hope more of you will jump on this campaign with me! It doesn’t have to writing or blogging. It really is whatever you want to do. I wanted this campaign to be something the Nerd Light community to look forward to as a reminder that you can do whatever you set your mind to. Especially in 2020, we need more of a reminder that we can do anything and follow any dream. So get out there and do the thing. Now is the Time!!
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
Photo by Prateek Katyal from Pexels
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