What’s up you guys?! I just wanted to pop in today to thank you guys for an awesome November!

The #NowstheTime campaign ended officially yesterday and I have to say I think it was a great success. If you have been reading since the beginning of November, then you already know about the campaign and my thought behind it. I will link it right here, if you don’t know about it and want to check it out. If I am being honest, this year’s campaign went even better than last years and I want to highlight some of the changes that I beleive led to it’s success.
The year of 2020, has been a crazy and challenging year. For some it has even been soul-crushing. But for some, 2020 has been a year of new motivations and new beginnings. Coming into November I didn’t really know how I was going to feel about writing again. I had been posting here and there all year, but I knew I was going to bring back #NtT. I had such a welcoming excitement in October as I sat and planned for November. I was looking forward to writing everyday. This was a huge shift from 2019, for a couple of reason. I didn’t have a brand-new baby from the hospital, and I was as nervous this go around. Which leads me to my next point.
I had a new air of confidence for this November. I believed in what I was creating, and it had purpose. In 2019, the first edition of #NtT was for me to get my foot through the door. I had had my blog for over a year and a half, but I still didn’t feel confident in my writing style. For 2020, this was to help kickstart my writing in a way that it will be sustainable. While I probably won’t write everyday, I feel a lot more comfortable throwing out different ideas to discuss. There are even more topics I want to tackle so I am looking forward to the growth that will inevitably happen. My site finally has a sort of identity that I’ve been working hard to develop.
#NowstheTime came about from a need to do something immediately. I felt a sense of urgency back in 2019 when it was created. This year didn’t feel as urgent, but more so determined. I had a goal I needed to reach before the end of the year. So for the last two weeks in October, I got on and started going through my drafts. I had to be initial this year. Last year because of it’s spur of the moment creation, I wrote about what came to mind as I went through each day. I wanted to have some of my posts planned around a general idea or a theme. One of those themes were reviewing/reacting to different anime shows and episodes. I had a fun time watching Aggretsuko, then giving my thoughts on it. I have plans to continue this style with other anime shows. These posts allowed me to speak on the details rather than just an overview like with my quick reviews.

Final Thoughts
I’m very pleased with how November turned out. I hit my 100th post and I saw an increase of visitors. I also gained more followers this past month as well. While it certainly is not about the numbers, it is nice to see that Nerd Light’s audience is growing one person at a time. I’m excited about where Nerd Light is heading and I want to keep this momentum. Thank you guys for being with me from the start and I look forward to hearing from you guys as our community gets bigger!
If you participated in #NowstheTime, what was it that you started or improved on? Let me know in the comments. Peace!