What’s up Nerd Lighters! Today we’re taking a break from our regularly scheduled gaming or anime articles! We are diving into Disney and I can’t wait! Originally, I wanted to do a Disney Princess related post, but I soon realized I really wanted to talk about the guys of the Disney universe. And so here are: my top 5 favorite Disney Male Characters!
Quick Disclaimer: We all know there are many theories and retellings that shed light on why some of these princes/male characters are less than favorable. I know and understand this, I am solely basing my decisions off the Disney version of these characters. I want to only look at their respective Disney movie(s). Thanks for understanding!
5. Robin Hood

So Robin Hood is sort of a classic for me. I remember watching this growing up and wanting to be smart like Robin Hood. I may have also had an affinity for this since I knew about neighborhood that was themed after Robin Hood when I was growing up. I’m not going to be weird here, but I thought Robin was a dashing fellow saving people and swindling the rich. I always enjoyed the all out brawl after the winning of Lady Marian’s hand in the bow and arrow competition. My favorite part though is when they are celebrating in the forest with all the singing and dancing. It would have been really cool to be apart of that. Of course if I joined, I guess I would’ve been an outlaw. Nah never mind, I am not a surviving in jail type persos.
4. max goof

Max Goof is the son of our silly but loveable Goofy. Out of the two, Max is more dependable, trusting, and serious. This choice is based on the sequel to Goofy Movie, Extremely Goofy Movie. I really enjoyed seeing Max’s character develop from a shy high schooler, to a bold college student. I like that he doesn’t give up what he cares about most which is skateboarding. Although he has his issues with his dad, I think it’s a real depiction on how it is when you want to be an adult while your parent wants to always take care of you.
3. Phoebus

You may not recognize him right off the bat, but he is the famous knight that helps Esmerelda, and ultimately falls in love with her. I love Phoebus’ character because he stays true to his morals. He decidedly refuses to burn down a family’s house in order to try to locate Esmerelda. He also actively saves Quasimodo. Phoebus is an all around good guy. Yes, he does come off a quite big arrogant, but you soon see how dedicated he is to protecting the ones he fights for. He is also pretty funny, which I think is a wonderful element to a guy’s personality.
2. Peter Pan

Ah yes, now this could definitely be a controversial choice. Luckily I am sticking solely to the book. The book is way more depressing, so we’re going to steer clear of that one. Firstly, I enjoy seeing Peter fly. How many characters that are human can fly? Of course not including anything from the Marvel cinematic universe. But Peter also has a Tinkerbell that loves him dearly and despises Wendy. Her pixie dust allows others and objects to fly. It’s not quite explained if this is how Peter flies. I also like Peter for his leadership. He knows the island and can leads the children or the Lost Boys. The last thing I liked about Peter Pan is his ability to say no and keep his word. Even when he’s battling Captain Hook, he keeps his word to fight him with one arm behind his back. Sure he can be a trickster and sure he doesn’t want anyone to grow up, but deep down he is a lovable child that just needs some attention and love.
- Kuzco

Emperor Kuzco! Yes he is my number 1. The reason? He. Is. Hilarious. Man I love this movie so much. You could play it again right this instance and I would still laugh. It was surprisingly plain of the storyline, but the movie kept going because of the laughs. Kuzco is an interesting character, and he definitely begins as one of the most arrogant and self-centered people Disney had. During his time as a llama, he take the time to learn about people other than himself. He is forced to make a decision to save Patcha and he does without hesitation. Therefore proving to Patcha that there is some good in him. Even when he fires Ezma, he still decides to have dinner with them. Overall Kuzco has and always been a show. He may be a flirt but he will always so up for you if the time is right.