Mobile Game Review: Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery

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Mobile Game Review: Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery

What’s up you guys! Today for #videogametuesday I’m doing another Mobile Game Review and it’s all about Harry Potter! This game was actually advertised to me on Instagram and it’s official name is Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Let’s jump into this review

This Harry Potter game was created by Jam City, Inc. and was released back in April of 2018. I was initially interested in the game because of it’s graphics. I liked the coloring, and appreciated all the details included. The characters all look like themselves just in an animated form.

When you start the game you can customize your character and you wind up in Diagon Alley. There you can meet a friend( who’s really there to lead you through the tutorials), but you’ll be able to see this friend as you travel to Hogwarts. As a first year you will get to be sorted by the Sorting Hat into your house of choice. During this part I would have liked the game to ask me a few questions to determine which house I belonged to, but maybe the game is assuming you already know your house. After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore announces that Voldemort did not succeed in killing baby Harry. This lets us know we are about 10-11 years before Harry enters Hogwarts.

So the premise is you have a brother who went “mad” and got expelled from Hogwarts trying to find the “Cursed Vaults”. Because of his actions, most of the wizarding community knows about his attempts and his reputation. You as the player have to choose what kind of student you’ll be. I personally chose to become a model student and not run the risk of alienating the professors. After your first class, you become the source of attention for bullying from this student named Minerva from Slytherin.

While I usually don’t care if the “bad” guy is from Slytherin, I am wondering if the story would have been changed if I had chosen Slytherin as my house. I like how you have the opportunity to learn different spells and can travel to different parts of the castle. The House Cup is also available to be won, so you’ll need to do well in class to try to earn points for your house.

Overall the game is pretty fun. There are different currencies in the game that let you complete tasks in class, buy new clothes and furniture, and unlock chapters earlier. As with most games there is an option for in-game spending, or you have the option of waiting until your energy refills. The one annoying part to me, is that once you get to certain parts in the story, you have to wait for a certain amount of time to be able to play that section of the chapter. You already have to wait for a recharge if you use all your energy, so why should I also have to wait a certain length of time for a chapter.

Other than this I am enjoying playing the game. I like being my own character and not related to Harry. If you look at your character/friends list there’s other people we didn’t get a chance to interact with in the movies or the books. I would give this game so far, a 4 out of 5. I’m interested in seeing how the story progresses.

Well that’s all I have for this review! Be sure to comment you house! Peace!

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