Hey Nerds!
I’m coming at you with a mid-November check in? how re you doing with your own campaigns? Have you been finding success? Well let me tell you guys how my month has been going.
Starting off this month has been super crazy busy, even more so than usual. For updates we’re trying to buy a house, I’m pregnant with baby no 2 and I just started potty-training. It’s like I subconsciously wanted to make my month a struggle. With all of those big things happening, I’ve been writing okay. I’ve hit every day so far with a new post but I have failed miserably in another area. The videos. Yes I have completely stopped the videos. I really wanted to use this month as a way to learn more about making videos. I also wanted to use this time as a way to get over the fear of seeing myself on camera. Because like many out there, I too hate to see or hear myself on camera. I really wanted to use this month as a way to push past those doubts and fears, but seems like it’s not going to happen.
Another reason why #Nowsthetime is so important to me is that not only can you see that you can do the hard things, but you can also learn from the ones you weren’t able to do. And figure out how you can try again. I’m not going to lie today was pretty hard which led me to think of how bad I’m doing as a creative. I could definitely focus on all the videos I didn’t make in November, and how I didn’t move past the issues I have with seeing myself on camera. Or how I don’t have the funds to buy a decent program for editing. Well that’s not all true, but the program I want is at least $20 a month and it’s just not in the cards right now.

I’ve realized over the years that if I focus on al the negative and insecurities I’m feeling a way less motivated to finish the thing I’ve stared. This year is a different feeling because I have no doubt that I’ll finish the month posting everyday. That’s almost a given, but I’m currently learning that I need to readjust how I tackle different goals. Every new thing you want to do won’t work in the same way. It’s kind of like when God gives you a new thing to o or when He gives you another blessing. Sometimes the blessings look different and they come to you in a different way, but the source is still solid. It’s taken a bit to learn this as well but I’m improving each year. I hope to take December to strategize more ways to get past the fear of making videos and the fear of posting on social media. If any of you have tips on that feel free to give ya girl some help and I’m struggling in these social medias streets.
We only have 12 more days till the end of the month. Let’s keep going and finish strong. Keep nerding out!