Hey Nerds!
So I mentioned earlier this week that I’ve struggled with deciding what I wanted to do with my life. All of that has landed me here and I’m in the process of building a story! I think it’s quite different from when you used to write stories in elementary school. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I wrote a piece of fiction for a school assignment. Which is honestly kinda sad. I wonder how many people could have benefitted from expressing themselves through writing. But anyway I’m in the process of writing a story! If I’m honest, I’ve actually started three different stories. My brain tends to move to something else before finishing. But it happens even more so with writing.

Right now with this story, I’m in the process of trying to understand the characters and their motivations. I have the bare backbone of the story, so the next step is using the characters to fill in the gap. I take in a lot of different kinds of stories all the time. It’s helpful since I can see all the various sides to having a character behave in a particular way.
In planning my first story, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the characters, their appearances, and personalities. I’ve been consulting friends and family so I can see insight into how a certain personality may think. Unfortunately for me, this led to a stifle in trying to figure out where the story was even going. So this let’s call it “FS” is on standby till I can figure out what to do.
My second story has a lot of magical and mystical elements. Let’s call this one “PS”. PS has been a lot of fun in coming up with the lore and a backstory, it’s probably been my favorite part of the story. But I have absolutely no idea who the characters are, besides the villain. This villain is very clear that he would do anything to stop the hero. Right now that’s all I can see, all the rest of the crew is also a blur. I’m hoping as I spend more time with PS my tone will change.
The third story is a love story about communicating through dreams. This one is fresh but I already have the family tree. The family tree has helped me with the backstory that I may or may not use as a prologue. This story has been interesting because I have ideas of different scenes but they are almost never in sequential order. It’s been hard for me to work around because I like when things are in order from beginning to end. However, I’m encouraged because I am at least writing.
Just know that you can do something new that you’re not used to. I’m trying something new and I’m excited! I hope to continue to share my journey and where it leads me. What’s something new you’ve been trying out this month? Let me know if comments and keep nerding out!