Hello Nerd Lighters! And Happy Thanksgiving!
While we know that this holiday has some problematic origins, I choose to celebrate it in a way that is focused on gratefulness. So I come here today to share a few things I’m thankful for!

I’m not going to get overly preachy or religious here, but I have to give credit where it’s due. 2020 has been an interesting year. I’ve had some high highs and low lows, but through it all He’s walked it through it with me. I’ve learned to depend on Him in a way that I haven’t before. I am looking forward to see how He leads me with my blog and the other dreams He’s given me. He’s the source of my drive and I am thankful for all the progress I’ve made so far, because it’s all due to Him. Thank you, God.
Jay(My Husband)
Man, I would not even be typing this if it wasn’t for my husband. He is such a supportive force in my life. He has always encouraged me to chase after my dreams and he’s always offered sound advice. He helps me see situations from other perspectives and he keeps me grounded. He will always be my number 1 cheerleader and for that I’m so so grateful. Thank you.
My firstborn. Object of all my attention and affection. My Lucas. I have learned so much about myself now that you’ve entered into this life of mine. I am so lucky to be your mom. If you ever read this, I hope I am showing you what it looks like to follow your dreams. I’m so thankful for you, because you remind me that there is someone always watching. Thank you.

The Readers!
I’m so thankful for you guys! Thank you for always giving me hope that there are other people out there that are interested in games and anime. I like that I have a platform to talk about the things that really make me happy. I hope to interact with you guys more as my blog and other ideas gain steam. It’s a dream of mine to reach people with gaming and anime. I want to make my own one day and give others similar opportunities. But I won’t be able to do that without you guys, so thank you! For every click, every like, every comment, and every read thank you so much.
You guys are amazing and I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving with the people you love. If you’ve learned anything from 2020, I hope you know that life is short and it’s not guaranteed. I know it sounds cliché but it’s so true. I don’t know if you are going through something like that, but know you’re not alone. I hope if you do read any of my stories or posts that you get a little bit of joy from them. Thank you guys for everything.

Thank you guys! Be back tomorrow. Peace!
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels