Welcome back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back!
Hey Nerds! It’s been a minute. Admittedly a very long minute (like all of 2023). There were quite a few changes this year and I won’t bore you with story. What matters is the present. The now! So here I am back with this years #NowstheTime! I’m super pumped for this year’s #NowistheTime because it will hopefully be lot more organized haha. I’m super excited to be back blogging and making videos. We’re getting started tomorrow right on schedule and I hope to catch you this whole month of November!

Start where you are
Remember! #NowistheTime was created as a way for us all to come together and work on the things we’ve always wanted to do. You have a whole 30 days. You can go as fast or as slow as you want, but just start! Is it scary? Is it in the unknown? Will you be bad at it? All of these are valid questions and I can say the answer is yes to ALL of them. But that’s okay. What matters is that you are finally taking the step to start. Start where you are. The you with no knowledge, the you with no skills, the you with nothing but an idea. Start and remember that we’re all in this together! Let’s go!
See you soon and keep nerding out!