Hello Nerd Lighters! Today’s post is all about Genshin Impact so let’s get into it!
Genshin Impact is proving, at least to me, to have more about it then at first glance. From the daily commissions to the kind of complicated boss fights, I have to say I am kind of surprised. One “element” that I continue to enjoy is its use of elemental powers. In the game there are 7 different powers that are blessings from the Archons. Most characters have the “vision” that allows them to use their elemental ability. This is for everyone except you, and one would infer your twin sibling. People who have this ability are called “Allogenes”.
The elements are: Anemo, Geo Pyro, Cryo, Electro, Hydro, and Dendro. It was no surprise to have the typical or main elemental powers. Those would be fire, water, earth and wind. The way the game functions with the elements gives me strong vibes of Tales of Zestria. I really like how the developers decided to include Dendro or in other words nature. You never know if earth and nature are going to be combined, or if nature is affected by water. I think nature is such a versatile element that it does deserve to be a stand alone.
Electro is probably the 5th most element after the first 4. There’s not too many elemental discussions that do not also include lightning/electricity. Cyrto/Ice is a pretty popular element as well, but it doesn’t always get to stand alone since it is just a property of water or Hydro. Seeing how Hyro and Cryo function, it’s clear they were meant to serve different functions.

But the one thing I really enjoy about the elemental powers is how they so seamlessly work together, in ways that make sense. For instance if Electro and Pyro interact, it will cause an explosion or Overloaded. The reactions include the aforementioned Overloaded, Melt, Burning, Swirl, Superconduct, Vaporize, Crystallize, Frozen, Electro-Charged. I like how the developers put thought into how these different combinations would produce varying levels of damage. For me my favorite reactions to use are Overloaded, Swirl, and Superconduct. The characters I have currently are Amber, Kaeya, and Lisa, so it is easy for me to move from one reaction to the next. Because of being able to seamlessly change between characters, I can string certain moves together. This allows me a greater chance of dealing heavy damage and even getting a critical. I love that this is apart of the game. It really gives the game some dimension.
Genshin Impact really wanted to make the elements a signature part of the game and it feels as such. I love how it is interwoven into the MC’s story line. On your quest to find your sibling, you have to use Anemo in Mondstat. And once you eventually make your wat to Liyue, you will be using Geo. I like that in each area there is a dominant element that helps shape that the experience will be there. For example Liyue is filled with mountains and stones and very high cliffs. You can clearly see the earthy influence across the region.
While it can take some time to get used too, Genshin Impact utilizes it’s elements in a practical way. I can’t wait till my character gets access to all the different elements and become Genshi’s version of Avatar.
I’m enjoying playing Genshin and exploring. What’s been your favorite part of the game? Let me know in the comments! Peace!