Hey Nerds and Nerdettes,
So sorry for the super short post yesterday! But I’m here to finish the list of Disney villains that would make great anime villains!

Evil Queen
The original villain that starred the Disney classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. She is classically evil and set the bar high for villains to come. She deceives, manipulates and curses. She can easily transfer to an anime world. Not only is she beautiful but she’s also cunning. She used a mere apple to take down the princess without literally dirtying her hands. She’s already the textbook villain so there isn’t much to add. If I had to add anything, it would be to deepen her reasoning for killing Snow White. We’ve seen many adaptations but for the anime version we need a dramatic backstory an
d a tragic life. Did she really kill the king? Or was he going to leave her and cast her out? There’s so much you can do with this story and make the Evil Queen a phenomenal villain.

Dr. Facilier
Dr. Facilier is one of my favorite villains. He’s smooth and charismatic. He has some strong characteristics to be an anime villain. His parlor tricks lure people in and then his tarot card readings keep them hooked. He reminds me of how alluring and trusting Aizen was before he revealed his true nature. I think Dr. Facilier would be a great anime villain because we don’t currently have a backstory on him. So there’s no telling what kind of tragic backstory he has, I just know in anime it will be lit. And Dr. Facilier would be one of those dapper villains. Dressed as flay as Kiba from Yu-Gi-Oh. I think he would have a dope evil lair with voo-doo and hoo-doo all throughout. And how many anime shows have been set in New Orleans??? I can hear how dope the music is going to be, like a mix of Cowboy Bebop and Bleach combined.

She is such a completely evil villain. Yes the live action gives us more depth to her story but the original movie? She was evil for the sake of being evil. She cared about no one and nothing. She didn’t even like her lackeys, although she did seem fond of her pet crow who also was evil. And just to prove she didn’t care about what happened to anybody she turned into a dragon to take out this 1 human. She is giving Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist vibes, as she could have cared less about humanity. Maleficent is not one to be trifled with and she will absolutely put you in your place. I mean she used her magic to create a secret staircase just to get Aurora to touch the spindle. She don’t care man and that’s why she’d be great.
Here are some other choices I think would be great as anime villains!

Claude Frollo
Yeah you can just put him in any anime that has the evil church with misguided followers. Shows like Attack on Titan and The Rising of the Shield Hero would fit nicely with this kind of villain.

We love a funny villain and Hades is who you’re looking for! He would be a great addition in a show like One Piece. He would need a serious protagonist or one like Luffy who could keep up with his antics and shenanigans.
Which Disney villain would be your perfect villain in your favorite anime? Let mek now in the comments below and keep nerding out!