What’s up Nerds!
Tomorrow is our last day of the #Nowisthetime challenge! Let’s continue to get stronger in our crafts and end this November right!
So today instead of the typical cozy game I have an otome game to review. It’s called Princess Closet Fashion and love will change me. So this is your typical otome game where you have the female protagonist (played by you the player), and your different male leads. Each male lead has their own route you can play and try. The demo allows you to play each male leads route for three full chapters, before the demo ends. So let’s meet our male leads.

First up is Reo Kamiyoshi. He’s the genius desinger behind Princess Closet. He is wild and carefree. He comes up to you randomly on the street and then sweeps you off your feet to his atelier. When I was playing his route I really thought I would like him. Since he was the face of the game I just knew I was going to like him. Now I am only judging off of the first three chapters, but Reo left much to be desired. He was moving way to quickly for me in the “romance” area and I apprecitate the female lead standing up for herself.

Next is Shuu Tachibana. Now this one is my favorite. You can already tell this will be a she fell first but he fell harder kind of story and I’m here for it. I love that we get to see the glimpses of his character as he’s interacting not only with you but with other people regarding you. You can can tell he’s passionate about his work as the CEO of the modeling agency Illias that helps Princess Closet. He’s smart and dedicated but can be a bit blunt when giving his recommendations as you model. He’s definitely the route I would complete first.

Next is Kai Ayasaki, the makeup artist and hair stylist. He seems to be the most playful out of the four. This is the guy who flirts with everyone and is super popular so you can’t really tell if he’s serious about you or not. He’s route so far is fine. I’d have to play more of his to really form an opinion about his personality. Right now he’s cool.

Lastly is Akito Shinonome, the photographer. He’s definitely the most aloof one. He’s the photographer that doesn’t like to be photographed. So of course there’s some kind of backstory there. Obviously 3 chapters is not enough to really dive in to what made him dislike pictures so much. I don’t mind aloof characters because it’ll be a nice buildup and switch when he actually realizes his feelings. However this type of male lead can be a little more cut throat than the super serious type. So while he’s not as bad and Reo he’s not super high on my list right now either.
Overall this is going to go like your regular otome game. The male leads are pretty standard in this game. I do like the storyline of you becoming a model and hopefully doing different gigs. I think an added level to the game that would be a great addition is to actually have pictures of the dresses that you have to wear. I know there are images you can get based on your answers during the story but I would love to see the how the dresses would turn out. I think the game would be fun and now I’m on the hunt for more otome games with more unique storyliines.
Thanks for reading can’t wait to do the last post of the challenge tomorrow! See you then and keep nerding out!