I’ve spent most of the last week playing the newest addition to Legend of Zelda gaming: Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Before I started the game I knew there was going to be a chance to play at one of the 4 Champions. As I continued seeing trailers for the game, it looked as though Impa was also going to be a playable character. I’ve had a chance to play with each character and I think I’m ready to give them a rating. Quick disclaimer: I’m still playing through the game casually. I’m not trying to rush through the story so if I haven’t unlocked everyone that may be why you don’t see them on the list. Okay let’s get into it!
Hyrule Castle

Zelda 7/10
To start off this list let’s focus our attention on our lovely Princess Zelda. This new Zelda of the Breath of the Wild themed games has a newfound strength we haven’t witnessed in the LoZ series. It’s the same for this Zelda in a the Age of Calamity spinoff. Her power set is exclusive to the Sheikah Slate. So she has access to the runes: remote bombs, cryonis, magnesis, and stasis. She uses these rune interchangeably while fighting massive hordes of enemies. Each rune is slightly customized to fit her style of fighting. For instance her remote bomb rune has a huge remote bomb that is similar to the tiny guardian that traveled in time. The bomb moves around shooting smaller remote bombs before exploding itself. Overall it’s been really interesting really seeing Zelda fight. I like her style and the Sheikah slate really fits her. I’m giving her a 7 out of 10 because I have to keep remembering to release or detonate most of her moves. She favors cryonis which make littler pillars of ice appear. These are helpful when fighting fire-based enemies or enemies in water, but having to constantly remember to detonate them can throw off my progression especially switching between characters like Link or Urbosa. It’s fun playing as Zelda, but she is not usually my first pick. Or second…..or third.

Impa 8.5/10
Next on the list is Impa, an important figure of the Shiekah tribe and protector/attendant of Princess Zelda. Women have donned this name for centuries all being entrusted with guarding and keeping the royal families secrets and history. Impa is fa fun character to take into battle. Since we’ve gone back to the beginning before the calamity, we really get to see a young Impa in action. I like her use of throwing knives, it really hones in on that ninja vibe we get with the Shiekah. Although I would say that the Yiga clan give a little more of the secretive ninja style, I like seeing how it comes into play as you fight as Impa. One of her special moves involves her making clones of herself. Can you really call yourself a ninja if you can’t make clones?? I also like how the clones are made of the same Shiekah energy that powers the slate and the guardians. I like having Impa as a choice for my battles. When I need to order a different person to go and fight on another section of the map, Impa is solid. If I had less favor for the Champions I would bring her into battle more often. She unfortunately can fade into the background for me once I got all of the champions.
The Champions

Daruk 7/10
To start off our Champion section would be Daruk. So this was difficult for me to choose because I really had to think if I would take Zelda over Daruk. My conclusion would be yes, I would. Daruk is soooo slow. I know that his power makes up for this slowness but it’s not enough for me. You guys know I lean towards the arrow-wielding/rouge type of characters in RPGs. So Daruk is the two-handed weapon loving choice. His power is unmatched for sure, but I can’t stand waiting for him to get to a location. Even his rolling feature is slow. And it’s also the same situation as with Zelda where I have to remember to detonate different features of his moves. I enjoy seeing enemies getting blown up by magma or lava as much as the next person, but I am a player who is focused more on the actual combat. So far I’ve only had to use him to do his training, and I’m not compelled to use him anymore. Maybe if I get stuck on a chapter and I need a bit more power I will revisit, but right now Daruk is a no for me.

Urbosa 8.5/10
Urbosa my QUEEN! She is the Gerudo chieftain and she is the definition of a phenomenal woman. She controls lightning with a snap of her fingers and can wipe out Yiga clan members in mere seconds. Of all the characters in the game the person I wanted to play as most was Urbosa. I was so excited to be able to have a chance to see her in action. She was also the very first champion I acquired on my journey. I love her special attacks are laced with lightning and she has a charging attack that unloads major volts. She is quick on her feet, and will be there as back up in an instant. Her dash is fast, slightly faster than Link’s once they are really running. The only small negative would be this same charging attack. You would have to find cover or space in a battle with continuous enemies, which can be difficult in a high stakes battle. Other than this, Urbosa is still one of my top fighters.

Mipha 8.5/10
If Urbosa is a queen, than Mipha is THE princess. I know, I know, Zelda is supposed to be the princess of the game. But honestly she’s more of a researcher and adventurer than royalty anyway. But Mipha! Mipha is EVERYTHING, you guys. She needs way more credit. Her personality is pleasant, strong, and she is literally loved by all of her people. Like I mean she is adored and the apple of her father’s eye. But not only is she loved, she can kick some “a” too. I love her water inspired abilities that leave her moving so gracefully across the battlefield. She like, Urbosa, can move quickly to her target or location on the map so I never have worry about her as my reinforcements. She is slowly but surely becoming my number 2 person I take into battle. Honestly it’s such a hard pick between her and Urbosa.

Revali 8.5/10
Revali, the most skilled archer of the Rito village. If I was just deciding his rate based on his personality it would be a -10, no cap. He is just a douche, a jerk and any other name you can think that are similar. But his attacks though. Man I wish I could rate him lower, but I can’t. Those attacks! I love them so much. I love the arrows and the bomb arrows and the flying! I know he technically can’t fly but can just propel himself with a gale of wind. And not to mention the his speed of shots. One of his moves include rapidly shooting arrows in groups of 5. I’ve used this many times to take out large amounts of enemies at once. His special attack incudes him creating a sort of tornado of bomb arrows and explosions and enjoy it all so much. Now let me say a couple of negatives. Revali is trash on the ground, his greatest attacks are his midair attacks. He is also very slow on land, not as slow as Daruk, but he is slow. I would only use him for his midair attacks. It’s really not worth being on the ground that long with Revali.

Link 9.5/10
Link, Hyrulian Knight and Princess Zelda’s personal knight. It wouldn’t be a list without the MC. The silent hero slaying Bokoblins since he was four. I don’t even need to rate Link to let you guys know that he is one of the top tier fighters in the game. He is a perfect blend of strength and speed. He is always my first choice and it wouldn’t be a true fight without him. He continues to show up even the longest standing Hyrulian knights and can hold his own against all of the champions mentioned previously. He has special moves that ranges from his bow and arrow to his sword. He also has the ability to change weapons. He can wield swords, spears, claymores, axes, bows, and sledge hammers. I don’t think you can find a more diverse set of skills than with Link. And this knowledge doesn’t stop him, because he continues to get stronger. One of my favorite moves is his shield surfing, knocking enemies off the path as he moves forward. If I need to switch to a different character to fight another battle, I know for sure that Link can hold his own and defeat whoever he is fighting. Out of all of the playable characters even those I haven’t unlocked, Link will always be number 1.
And there you have it! These are my ratings for the playable characters I have so far in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Let me know who your favorite characters are in the new game! Peace!
Wonderful post 😇
Thank you so much!