Category: Video Games

Video Games

Solo vs Multiplayer: What’s your preference?

I’ve said on the blog before that my very first gaming system was a GameCube and my first game was Legend of Zelda. I didn’t know about Mario or MarioKart or any fighting games at that time. So I will say I probably have a bias towards solo games so just putting that out there. […]

Blog Video Games

Religion and Video Games

In video games across generations you can find references to religion. When thinking about how religion plays a major theme in video games we can find three examples: 1) Religion is a necessity. 2) Religion can be a spectacle. 3) Religion is personal. I’ll be taking a look three video games: Final Fantasy XV, Dragon […]

Blog Video Games

Character Spotlight: Riku

“So, Sora…are you ready? Do you remember before? We stood facing each other on opposite sides of that door. Now we stand side-by-side. Let’s go home together this time.” On this week’s Character Spotlight we’re heading to one of my favorite game series Kingdom Hearts, Riku, Sora’s best friend and one of the keepers of […]

Video Games

My Why

There’s something special about connecting with someone who is passionate about the same thing you love. For me, it’s games and anime, and honestly anything kinda nerdy or creative. But I created this space specifically because I saw a need. When I look on social media, YouTube and in these games I love, and these […]

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