Category: Video Games

Blog Video Games

5 Updates We Need in Animal Crossing

I (and most gamers in quaratine) have been playing Animal Crossing every single day since I received my copy at the beginning of April. I love this game and I enjoy checking into my island to see how everyone is doing. But since I’ve been playing for almost 2 months, I’ve realized there are some […]

Video Games

Favorite Game Series Music

Video games can be known for their game mechanics and their amazing storylines. There are many games that can be identified this way. But there are a few legendary game series that set the bar even higher by adding an element that other games seem to overlook. The music. Here are my top three gaming […]

Video Games

Dragon Age Inquisition

INQUISITOR!!! I have been wanting to do a review of this game for a long time. Dragon Age Inquisition was the first RPG I’ve played that had so much to do and complete. This is a game by BioWare said to take about 150-200 hours to complete. And let me tell y’all it will take […]

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