What’s up you guys! I’m here with the Aggretusko Season 3 Ep. 8 “Bursting Her Bubble” review! If you want to check out my other reviews of the previous episodes they are linked below! Let’s jump into this episode.
Episode Recap
Haida goes to see one of Retsuko’s concerts with the OTM girls. After watching her for a little bit, he leaves. Manaka asks the grils if they are even trying to learn their instruments. The girls talk about how it really is do or die at making it big. Retsuko has a new resolve to learn her instrument and makes a pact with the girls to give it her all. Haida talks with Inui at work and decides on when she should come over to his place.

Fenneko and Haida go out for drinks. Fenneko asks Haida if he’s really giving up on Retsuko. She says she’s been listening to his one-sided love story for years and wants to know what he liked about Retsuko in the first place. He says that Retsuko’s known for being really hard-working and kind, but one time during after hours he saw her being suspicious. She was filling her bottle with water from the office water dispenser. Fenneko isn’t understanding why Haida is telling this story. But Haida continues to say that it made him empathaized with her. He said that may have been when he fell for her because he would see simple acts like that. He laments that maybe he never had a chance because Retsuko only sees him as a coworker even after five years.
As soon as he finishes his statement, Retsuko texts him asking if he can give her guitar lessons. Fenneko questions Haida about what Retsuko is saying and asks if he’s going to turn her down. When Haida hesitates Fenneko tells him he doesn’t want to be wish-washy and to name 3 things he hates about her. He names them, but still tells Retsuko “sure thing”. On the their way home, Fenneko tries to tell Haida to cut her off, but Haida says he can’t since he’s already said yes to helping her. She replies to not come crying to her when things get tough. Retsuko says she’s free on Saturday , causing Haida to panic since that’s the same day he’s meeting Inui. There’s also a cut to a OTM girls fan taking pictures of Retsuko’s house and her going inside.

Retsuko shows up at Haida’s house and he asks why she wants to learn. She lies and says a friend has asked her to play at their wedding. Haida says he actually plays bass and Retsuko apologizes that she can’t tell the difference between them. He starts to give her pointers, and she complains about her fingers hurting. Then she finally strums a chord and they rejoice. She gets ready to leave and says that she was planning on taking lessons but instead she ends up imposing on a friend. She also tells him that she had fun. Haida blushes at the fact that she called him friend. Haida then rushes to clean up before Inui gets there.

Inui and Retsuko pass each other as Inui makes her way to Haida’s place. Inui starts to get ready to cook and she notices two glasses in the sink. Haida then starts slapping the bass, while Inui tires to get close. Haida is super nervous. Haida prepares the food while Inui goes and freshes up. She notices a handkerchief in the bathroom, and sees it has an R on it. She lets Haida know she’s leaving. Haida apologizes, and Inui says he hasn’t done anything to warrant an apology. But she wants to know if he likes her.

Okay so another heavy Haida and Inui episode. And I’m not mad at it. First of all, Haida can PLAY! He was seriously slapping that bass. I could listen to him play too. Inui was trying to put the moves on Haida. She got the food, she was cooking, and she was interested in him playing bass. And all was going according to plan till she saw those glasses in the sink. But she didn’t jump to conclusions! Well she had her suspicions, but she was rolling with it. It was when she saw that handkerchief in the bathroom!! That’s when it was time to go! Inui is not playing any games with Haida! AND she asked him what was up! Do you like me? Or nah?? Haida knows he is still feeling Retsuko especially after she called him a friend. Fenneko tried to get him to say no to Retsuko’s request, but Haida just can’t resist. Man, and Retsuko doesn’t even know that she’s just sitting in a love triangle. I like that Inui is being honest about the situation.

She told Haida that he doesn’t have anything to apologize for, because they aren’t together so she has no claim on who he invites into his home. But she needs to know where this thing is going. I applaud her straightforwardness. Haida really needs to figure out if he’s actually going to pursue Inui or let her do her own thing. It’s not fair to her to try to casually hang out with her, while all the while pining for Retsuko. I was hoping that he was going to tell Retsuko that he knew she was in a band. I mean I get wanting her to be the one to tell him, but at this point he might as well.
Man I just want Haida and Retsuko to talk it out. Or Haida needs to do more in trying to shoot his shot. And then if Retusko really doesn’t want to be with him, she really needs to make if PERFECTLY clear. Then Haida needs to move on with his life. And let’s not forget that Retsuko is being STALKED! It’s the same fan Haida ran into at the beginning of the episode. That OTM girls patch is going to let us know exactly how long this guy has been hovering around. I am definitely going to need Retsuko to be a little more aware of her surroundings. I definitely don’t like where that’s headed.
We only have two episodes left in the season! I know it’s going to finish strong so let’s hang in there for next two days! I’m finishing up #NowstheTime with Aggretsuko so be sure to catch up with season 3 if you haven’t yet! What was your favorite part of the episode?
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