What is up Nerds!
We’ve finally made it! The #Nowisthetime challenge has ended today! So I want to share some of the highs and lows that this month brought.
We’re going to go ahead and start with the lows so we can end on a happier note. First I was not able to complete any of the videos that I wanted to do this month. I started out strong and recorded my video. I was even excited about all the extra flair and pizazz I was going to add by working through Canva. And then my video editing software stopped working. I was able to upload to it, but the editing was atrocious. I couldn’t scrub the video or add overlays. So it just completely threw off my YouTube schedule. The vibes were gone and I just did not want to work on anymore videos.

So while not being able to do my videos definitely put a damper on my challenge, I did have some pretty awesome highs. My wonderful husband is currently working on a solution for my video editing software problem. Since my computer was built with different custom parts there had to be some trial and error to see if it was the computer or just the software. We have a temporary solution and I’m happy I’ll be able to get back to my videos soon.
Next, I realized how much planning my calendar for the month of November was clutch. Having a theme for each week really helped me stay focused on what to write. It also gave me some parameters to stay within which made creating ideas or topics a lot simpler. I was able to post every single day! I also believe because of the scheduling and unfortunate circumstance with my software, I wrote some really really good articles. That is probably my favorite high of the whole challenge.
Welp that’s all folks! I hope you were able to start something new this month! After I take some time off I’ll be back ready! So keep nerding out and I’ll catch you in the next one! Bye!