Hey Nerd Lighters I’m back with another Season 3 episode review of Aggretusko! Just a reminder that this is NOT spoiler-free! You can check out my other episode reviews here and here.
Episode Summary

Retsuko gets hired as OTM’s accounting manager to start paying back her debt owed. She also is the lacky to get all of their supplies. She finds out soon that there is no money because the groups finances are being mishandled. She’s tired from being run ragged by the group and the manager. Haida and Fenneko know that something’s going on, but when they question Retsuko she denies anything is happening. Haida shares an elevator and asks Washimi if something had happened with her, but Washimi says she hasn’t heard anything.
Retsuko starts learning the ends and out of being an idol. She witnesses the group interacting with fans and sees how much they are putting into selling their merchandise. Hyoudou the manager sends Retsuko to a promoter who is withholding their share of funds. The promoter is direspectful and then we get a song about capitalism, by our Retsuko. Washimi finds her in her favorite karaoke booth and encourages her. She also gives her money for her debt, but Retsuko only takes enough for her food for the month. Retsuko is encouraged and is resolved to do a good job as OTM’s account manager. Towards the end of the episode Hida guesses that Fenneko is now hooked on the VR game and Inui from General Affairs is introduced.
My Review
Alright so we had a busy episode for episode 3. You would think after everything Retsuko went through in seasons 1 and 2 she would be a little better with standing up for herself. But I have to say, I know how she feels. I think it can be difficult to stand up for yourself when you know something is your fault, but I’m learning (through therapy!), that you have to teach people how to treat you. And Retsuko learns this after she gets an encouraging talk with Washimi. Can we just talk about Washimi for a minute?

She is such a great and supportive friend, but also that friend that won’t let you wallow in self-pity. She loves Retsuko enough to call her out on her stuff. Retsuko wanted to complain about the accounting job, so Washimi told her to quit. Retsuko didn’t want to quit because she feels responsible for the accident, so then Washimi suggests to keep going remarking that running a business is hard. Retsuko laments about not knowing what to do, but Washimi calls her bluff. “It’s not that you don’t know. You just stopped looking for a solution.” Oop! Washimi was not about to let Retsuko slide out of taking responsiblity for her own situation. I respect friends like this. The real ones who don’t mind telling you the truth with love. And then Washimi goes a step further and offers to pay off Retsuko’s debt. She’s a real one folks.

Now that Retsuko is energized to do a good job, she starts using her skills to make the OTM financial consolidation plan. She makes sure to stand her ground when explaining it to Hyoudou and the die-hard fans of OTM. I know that Retsuko is good once she puts her mind to something, so I bet they’ll be rolling in the dough next episode.

Oh! And we cannot forget this little introduction with Hida and Inui. I like that they are bringing in someone for Haida. Although I’m still team #HaidaxRetsuko I think it’ll be good for Haida to have another girl interested in him. Haida is a good guy and if Retsuko can’t see that, then maybe she should watch him float on by…. I don’t know, but we’ll see what happens.
What did you guys think of ep.3?! Let me know in the comments!
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