Aggretsuko Season 3 Ep. 1 “The Blessings of Life” Review (Spoilers!)

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Aggretsuko Season 3 Ep. 1 “The Blessings of Life” Review (Spoilers!)

What’s up Nerd Lighters! Level_Z0r0 here with my episode review of Aggretsuko’s Season 3! There will be SPOILERS!! Let’s get into it!

First off, I was relating so hard to Retsuko and her enjoying her virtual boyfriend. While I don’t have a VR with a realistic boyfriend this is basically the same as those Japanese Romance Games (which yes I do play a couple). I’m not as bad as her with wasting that much money, but I’d be lying if I said some money hadn’t been wasted. But goodness it’s so relatable because it is being used as an escape from your life struggles.

As Retsuko struggles to stop spending her money in this VR boyfriend game, her friend Gori asks for her support in a dating app. The next day Fenneko is talking to Haida revealing Retusko’s obsession with her boyfriend game. Fennko chastises Haida saying he’s wasting his time trying to approach her as a friend and being passive. Retsuko also gets an opportunity to go to the hot spring with her mom (how I wish I could do this too). This was a great trip since she didn’t have to worry about spending money. But all of this changes as she is trying to return the rental car. You just know something is going to happen with this rental car. She parks and rolls over a wheel stop, but instead of pulling forward she continues in reverse backing into a van parked behind her. The episode ends with a very menancing jaguar(leopard?) man demanding she get out of the car. He has that scary calm voice. And that’s the end of episode 1!

So more here’s to more reactions! I loved seeing Fenneko and Haida interact together. It makes me remember that there can be opposite sex relationships that work as friendships. And that Fenneko is still a savage. She wastes no time reading both Retsuko and Haida. She’s legit. Speaking of Fenneko, I think it would be cool to follow her story for an episode or two. I want to see into Fenneko’s world and find out if she’s interested in anyone. I want her to be with the fox looking wolf guy haha. I would love for Haida to get a little more serious in his pursuit of Retsuko. I know that the writers have to do it tastefully where he’s not coming on too strong, but I don’t know he does seem a little too passive. Also good on Anai for finding a hobby/side hustle he could dive into! It was really cool to hear that he was dating as well. It definitely seems like our junior accountant has his life way more put together than Haida and Retsuko.

It was also really nice to see Retsuko spending time with her mom. Last season there was a lot of tension there, so it’s good to see them moving forward in a positive relationship. I am thinking Retsuko is going to be able to give up her VR boyfriend since she just ran into this van. This jaguar guy does not seem to be too friendly so we’ll have to see how this goes. But I am excited for the season! I did happen to see a clip of her with some idol girls so who knows what Retsuko is about to get into.

I hope you’re going to stay with me as I review season 3! Let me know what you guys are thinking will happen this season! Also did you like season 1 or season 2 better? Leave your chosice in the comments! Peace!

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